New Genesis Saga
A six part science-fiction saga set in the distant future, after mankind leaves Earth to colonize another world. This will be the longest running series pf books I plan to write. I thought it would be a nice touch, if I used events from the Bible for the titles. Each one fits nicely with the storyline.
Book 1: Exodus from Earth
A star ship carrying some of Earth's last hopeful humans leaves the planet behind in search of a new home.
Book 2: Eden Colony
People from Earth colonize a new world and must learn to adapt to the many changes.
Book 3: Evolution
Some colonists are changed forever, while others refuse to let go of the old ways.
Book 4: The Rise of Adam
Adam takes on new responsibilities and a new city is built.
Book 5: The Lost Ark
The colonists come into contact with one of the Arks that left Earth.
Book 6: The Apocalypse
The colonists are on the verge of a civil war when factions split and people are forced to choose sides.