Legends of Otherworld
The "Legends of Otherworld" will be an ongoing fantasy saga that will introduce a whole new world to the reader filled with many different adventures. There is a very strong possibility that I will do 6 books for this series. I am still in the process of creating a multitude of background history and information for Otherworld. I like to think of it as a cross between "The Lord of the Rings," "The Chronicles of Narnia," "Game of Thrones," and the classic "Final Fantasy" games by Square Enix.
I came up with the idea for this story in early January of 2013, while parked outside of a hospital in Manhattan. Within the short time I was sitting in my car, I had already came up with the main plot and many ideas of how my world should be. I drew upon the past for that using ideas made up from my youth, while playing action figure games with my cousin, Moses Claudio, and my nephew, Christopher Gonzalez. That is what gave me the idea to use our names for the main characters, three brothers named Jason, Moses, and Chris, who get caught up in adventures that will forever change their lives.
I came up with the idea for this story in early January of 2013, while parked outside of a hospital in Manhattan. Within the short time I was sitting in my car, I had already came up with the main plot and many ideas of how my world should be. I drew upon the past for that using ideas made up from my youth, while playing action figure games with my cousin, Moses Claudio, and my nephew, Christopher Gonzalez. That is what gave me the idea to use our names for the main characters, three brothers named Jason, Moses, and Chris, who get caught up in adventures that will forever change their lives.
Book 1: The Baroness of the Woodlands
The first book of the series will act as an introduction to the fantastic world of Otherworld and to the main characters, who must solve the mysterious disappearance of the Baroness.
Book 2: The Warlord of the Country Fields
In the second book, we are introduced to the militant Warlord of the Country Fields of Calindieer, as we learn the history of the Otherworld.
Book 3: The Count of Mt. Chaos
In the third book, our heroes must venture into the Craggy Mountains of Gloom to face the Count atop his well-guarded fortress on Mt. Chaos.